03 April 2020

Book Beginning: Season of Migration to the North by Tayeb Salih

Book Beginnings is a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader. We share the first sentence (or so) of the book we are reading, along with our initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.

It was, gentlemen, after a long absence - seven years to be exact, during which time I was studying in Europe - that I returned to my people. I learnt much and much passed me by - but that's another story. The important thing is that I returned with a great yearning for my people in that small village at he bend of the Nile.

 This book is another of my great finds in the clearance section of my local used bookstore. I had not heard of the author before, but the influential literary critic Edward W. Said proclaimed this novel to be "among the six finest novels to be written in modern Arabic literature". It also fits into my plan to read more translated literature. I'm looking forward to this short novel!


  1. I was definitely pulled in by the beginning. Reading more translated literature is an wonderful goal.

    Great find, indeed!

    1. The book continues in that same style, like someone telling you the story or their life. I'm enjoying it a lot.

  2. I'm also trying to read more world literature. This one soudns good!

    1. I find world lit so interesting. Seeing another culture from the inside is enlightening!

  3. Ah. So much of translated lit depends upon the strength of the translator. But you are finding this one good, I'd say. My Friday quotes and a review

  4. Well from the 'six finest novels' quote you mentioned above, this sounds like a translated must. Thanks for introducing me to this.

    Hope you are staying safe!

    Here is my Friday post.

    1. I think the Edward W. Said quote sold me on it because I knew of him as an expert on the Middle East region. I'm staying in and reading - hope you can do that, too!

  5. I always like looking around in the clearance sections, you never know what you'll find.

    Lauren @ Always Me
